1. The Awakening

The awakening painting was created by first making a pencil sketch on paper then scanning it into the computer. I used Corel Painter 7 & IX to paint the image. Mostly I used the soft charcoal variant of charcoal & the artist...

2. Moon Goddess

I’ve had a love affair with the moon ever since I was child, and my favorite past time was going outside after sunset to swing on my swing set, until the moon came out. I would sing to the moon and mom would play the guitar, it was...

3. Nimue

The Lady of the lake from the Arthurian legend has always fascinated me, and the moment I laid eyes on a photograph sent to me of my niece Tessa, I knew I had found my inspiration for the painting of Nimue. It was a photo of Tessa,...

4. Daybreak

Aurora is the Roman Goddess of the Dawn. Her name means ” daybreak, the dawn, or sunrise. Ovid describes her as the one who brings the light of day as she rides in her chariot across the skies ahead of the sun. I envisioned her with...

5. Mask Of Gaia

Gaia the primordial Greek goddess believed to be The Mother Goddess or Great Goddess. She is also said to personify the earth,  the Greek version of  “Mother Nature”. The inspiration for this painting came from a dream I had...
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Chakra Meditation Bracelet

Today, I got my beading supplies out and made another Chakra Meditation Bracelet. This one has both an amethyst bear and a lapis bead for the third eye. Reason being that the bear represents the person’s favorite animal spirit. I also added pink quartz dangles  to symbolize  love & the compassionate heart.

I used a hematite heart for the first chakra, carnelian for the second chakra, and amber for the third chakra. For the fourth chakra I chose a beautiful hand carved rose quartz bead, and an aquamarine bead for the fifth chakra, for the crown chakra I selected a rainbow quartz bead.

Each bead is individually wire wrapped by hand.

Chakra Meditation Bracelet

Chakra Bracelet

Made with 925  Sterling Silver Wire & finished by a  Bali Sterling Silver Toggle.

I love making sacred jewelry and it was a perfect way to spend my afternoon. Happiness for me is being surrounded by a sea of beads, drinking in all their vibrant colors and energy.


I spent most of the day cleaning our mud room. I put away all the umbrellas and raincoats, and removed all the little odds and ends that seemed to have made their way there.  It felt really good to get rid of all the clutter!

Here are a couple of preliminary sketches for an illustration I am working on. I will share more of the story behind this project later on. Right now, all I want to do is eat dinner, watch a movie and then go to bed.

Sketch - Folktale study1

“This is a work of fiction.  All the characters in it, human and otherwise, are imaginary, excepting only certain of the fairy folk, whom it might be unwise to offend by casting doubts on their existence.  Or lack thereof.”  – Neil Gaiman

New Work in Progress

Nature Talking

Nature Talking – Acrylic- Mixed media Collage – 9 x 12 inches on paper

“In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.”  -John Muir

“If you are seeking creative ideas, go out walking.
Angels whisper to a man when he goes for a walk.”
–   Raymond Inmon

It’s a Rainy Day

Rainy Day

Well it has been a rainy day today in the bay area and it came down hard at times. I snapped this photo as the rain water gushed down our driveway.

I spent the day finishing up an acrylic painting I have been working on, and later I’m going to finish reading my book “The Artist’s Quest for Inspiration” by Peggy Hadden. This book is absolutely wonderful and very helpful!

thought for the day: The spirit, like the body, can be strengthened and developed by frequent use. And  for this reason it is necessary for the artist to know the starting point for the exercise of his spirit.” – Wassily Kandinsky


Wow! These Ukrainian Easter eggs are beautiful and would make wonderful gifts for friends & family.

Eve’s Eggs – Artist Profile

Eve’s Eggs – Absolutely Gorgeous – To learn more about Eve’s beautiful work go here. Be sure to check out the history of Pysanky on her web site.