New Water Mixable oils

My new Winsor & Newton water mixable oil color set came today! This is so exciting because no hazardous solvents are required in order to use them.

I gave up oil painting years ago because of allergies and these new water mixable oils just may be the answer to my prayers.

Today I worked on the Collage Painting “Dream Thyme”, I sanded some areas and collaged a key to the text about how dreams heal our body, mind, and spirit. The moon and the background still need a little more work and then it will be finished.

Dream Thyme

Dream Thyme

We crave a world of either/or, but the Dream says, Both/and. We build a wall between our social persona and our inner selves; the Dream bids us, Demolish it. We wish to believe we’re separate from one another, but the Dream insists, We are in this together. We are pleased to believe Time is a one-way river from past to present to future, yet the Dream reveals, All three times flow into one. We wish to seek pure virtue and avoid all stain, but the Dream avers, The dark and the light are braided and bound.
-Marc Barasch, Healing Dreams