1. The Awakening

The awakening painting was created by first making a pencil sketch on paper then scanning it into the computer. I used Corel Painter 7 & IX to paint the image. Mostly I used the soft charcoal variant of charcoal & the artist...

2. Moon Goddess

I’ve had a love affair with the moon ever since I was child, and my favorite past time was going outside after sunset to swing on my swing set, until the moon came out. I would sing to the moon and mom would play the guitar, it was...

3. Nimue

The Lady of the lake from the Arthurian legend has always fascinated me, and the moment I laid eyes on a photograph sent to me of my niece Tessa, I knew I had found my inspiration for the painting of Nimue. It was a photo of Tessa,...

4. Daybreak

Aurora is the Roman Goddess of the Dawn. Her name means ” daybreak, the dawn, or sunrise. Ovid describes her as the one who brings the light of day as she rides in her chariot across the skies ahead of the sun. I envisioned her with...

5. Mask Of Gaia

Gaia the primordial Greek goddess believed to be The Mother Goddess or Great Goddess. She is also said to personify the earth,  the Greek version of  “Mother Nature”. The inspiration for this painting came from a dream I had...
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Moon Child

I was feeling a little under the weather today, so I didn’t get much done in the studio. I’m sure tomorrow will be a much better day.

Moon Child – 9 X 10 – Combined Mixed Media

“There are nights when the wolves are silent and only the moon howls.” – George Carlin

“The moon, like a flower in heaven’s bower, with silent delight sits and smiles on the night.” – William Blake

Work In Progress

Spent most of the afternoon working on the painting below, using a texture stamp I made on the background and the face.

I found this process adds interesting detail to the overall look of the painting. Hopefully, I can find some time to work on it over the weekend.

The Morrigan – Combined Mixed Media 11X 14

Close up of the face

Beautiful Sunny Day

What a beautiful morning, the weather will be perfect for working outside. I plan on starting with our herb garden which really needs weeding and pruning the roses in the backyard.

I love gardening and the way it connects us with nature. We always have scrub jays, squirrels, and varying birds visiting our backyard, although for a couple of years I’ve noticed fewer songbirds. At least our lovely mourning dove is back, this morning I heard it cooing just before dawn.


Questions That Make You Think

Life is full of mystery and unanswered questions. Related to this I heard the following question asked recently; If you were watching a movie of your life, would you like what you see?

I sat with this question for awhile and thought about how our daily rituals, interactions with others, thought processes, and attitudes have so much impact on the way we live our lives, along with our cultural heritage and life lessons.

What would your movie look like? What would one day look like under the all seeing eye of the camera lens?

This gives a whole new meaning to the phrase”Know thyself”!

Grey Skies & Chilly Weather

This morning I woke up to grey skies and a chill in the air, so it took me awhile to get going with my day.

Of course, I ended up puttering around and not getting much of anything done except for some household chores.


“This grand show is eternal. It is always sunrise somewhere: the dew is never all dried at once: a shower is forever falling, vapor is ever rising. Eternal sunrise, eternal sunset, eternal dawn and gloaming, on sea and continents and islands, each in turn, as the round earth rolls.” – John Muir