Pomegranate Creatures

Over the weekend I came up with this idea of painting pomegranate creatures. Sound weird? It all started as I was washing dishes. On the kitchen windowsill were these dried pomegranates I had picked from our tree last year.

The more I observed them the more they looked like the wizened faces of some magical tree creatures.The tree is around 75 years old, and in the summertime I spend a great deal of time daydreaming beneath it’s branches.

So I thought what a wonderful idea, pomegranate creatures which live in the trees and once a year they leave their home to walk among humans.

I ended up writing two fantasy short stories about pomegranate trees. They came to me completely fleshed out as if I were watching a movie. It was a very strange and wonderfully unexpected experience!

Pomegranate Creature # 1 – Combined Media – 12 X 12 inches