Hovering on the edge of imortality

My morning began with a walk in the woods to gather my thoughts, to admire and enjoy the glorious sunlight, blue skies and white puffy clouds.

It was quite lovely and it felt like a gentle blanket of silent beauty had been draped all around me.

I was loathe to leave, but work called me back to the studio.

So here I sit editing, cropping  and creating photographs. Below are some of my recent art work.


Hovering on the edge of immortality ~ Rose Arizmendi © 2014


Moonlight printed garden pot ~ Rose Arizmendi © 2014


Vintage Roses ~ Rose Arizmendi © 2014

Have a lovely, magical, creative day everyone~rose

A Little Of What I’ve Been Up To

Sunny and pleasant in northern California today while the rest of the country is experiencing wild winter storms. Please stay warm and safe everyone!

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted here, actually it’s been over two years and I have no particular reason why I stopped posting on this site except to take a break, to go deeper,  and to explore other mediums .

Here’s what I have been working on lately…


And this….


The enchanted moon…kissing the realm of the sacred, darkling woods. -rose


A gossamer hush fell over the woods…echoing with enchantment and mystery. -rose

That’s all for today folks! xo


Quotes for the day ~ “There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost.” ~Martha Graham


“Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.” ~ Archbishop Desmond Tutu


In Search Of Trees

I’ve spent the month focused on my online store, turning all thoughts and energy to jewelry, I am surprised and happy with what has been unfolding before me. The new designs seem to flow out of me coming from somewhere deep inside ~ these old hands ache but it’s a sweet ache. I do love what I do!

Later today, I took my camera out for a walk in search of trees. I needed a break from the computer and trees call to me and soothe my soul as little else can.

My walk ~ in a word ~ splendid

Trees ~ sky ~ Magic

“There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden,
but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it.”
–   Minnie Aumonier

The Heralds Of Autumn

Woke up to a cold, gray morning. Brr

As I stepped out onto the patio, my ears were greeted by the squawking of geese overhead as they made their journey south. The heralds of Autumn.

Afternoon winds gently blowing against the curtains. The smell of old leaves and earth . . . Reflections . . .  Recollections of all the past Autumns . . .  Time slipping by . . . Sweet longing for a place where I can curl up unnoticed and sleep in the late afternoon sun … warm and comforted . . . safe and loved

Weaving ~ Creating ~ For now, this moment is all I need. x0

Signs Of Autumn

The signs of Autumn have arrived. Brisk mornings, browning leaves rattling down the street carried by strong breezes and me with a cup of hot coffee in my hand watching the sun slowly rise over the mountain. What an incredibly beautiful day!

Quietly painting in the studio. Images & dreams I will always carry in my heart.

Sonoma Tree Line – Digital Painting – Watercolor & Impasto brushstrokes on layers – 8 x 10 inches

So many signs Quiet Change

Ephemeral things – soft and fragile

Slower, Deeper – The Wheel of life Turns

To the Light of September

When you are already here
you appear to be only
a name that tells of you
whether you are present or not

and for now it seems as though
you are still summer
still the high familiar
endless summer
yet with a glint
of bronze in the chill mornings
and the late yellow petals
of the mullein fluttering
on the stalks that lean
over their broken
shadows across the cracked ground

but they all know
that you have come
the seed heads of the sage
the whispering birds
with nowhere to hide you
to keep you for later

who fly with them

you who are neither
before nor after
you who arrive
with blue plums

that have fallen through the night

perfect in the dew
– w.s. merwiin

And It’s August Again

A peak at a new digital painting I am working on.

Taking a break on the patio. It’s been a rather stressful week and I just needed to relax for awhile, so as I sat down, I noticed the antique bottle I had left out on the table yesterday.

I love these old bottles, the way the light reflects off of them, the soft muted colors and the way they make me feel nostalgic. Like dear old friends!

This bottle belonged to Aunt Margie and I know she would love the fact that I found such an unusual use for it.

Cleaned up my messy studio. Whew! Organized my acrylics, brushes and art journals.

Organic lettuce, homemade balsamic honey dressing, add some wine and good company and you have the makings for a perfect meal.

At the end of the day …

Nothing left to say …

Watching the sun go down over the hill … xo

What has been going on lately

The days of summer are going by so fast and I have been taking lots of photographs to capture the precious moments to soothe and comfort me in the winter. I will post more later.

Thought you might like to take a peak at my work space.
I am painting more. . .

Playing with beads and creating more necklaces . . .  Enjoying myself

Making heavenly organic cacao truffles. Yummy! Many thanks to my friend Salina for this wonderful recipe.

I love this time of the year and all the good things that come with warmer weather barbecues, unplanned adventures, gathering my thoughts, journaling, sipping tea, going for long walks, visiting friends and creating fearlessly.

Finding refuge in the simple things – roses, stones and tree roots.

That’s all for today folks. xo

Out with the old, in with the new

For me Spring is always a good time to start new projects and today seemed like the perfect day to give my blog a new face lift. So here it is!

I am still in the process of dreaming up new things I can add to it later.  Of course, there are some minor things that still need to be done.

Yesterday,  I took some photographs while I was on my morning walk. Here are two that I would like to share with you. Can you guess what the second photograph is?

Photo #1

Photo #2

Tableau Of Pears

Tablleau of Four Pears

Here is an interesting tableau of pears that I found while taking my morning walk. It felt like I had somehow stumbled upon a secret hiding place where someone had placed four pears to ripen.

There they were waiting for the return of  whomever put them there for safe keeping. A pair of worker’s gloves resting on the ground nearby and the quiet solitude of the place made me feel like an intruder of sorts.

I quickly snapped a couple of pictures and moved on. I looked around but didn’t see anyone, and I wondered about the story behind the pears and the mystery person who placed them there.

thought for the day;

“Without mysteries, life would be very dull indeed. What would be left to strive for if everything were known?” – Charles de Lint

Journey Of Courage

Journey of Courage

It takes courage to try new things and explore uncharted waters. Especially when our inner critic keeps whispering in our ear  . . . I wouldn’t do that if I were you!  You really don’t have time for this! Remember how frustrated you can get with Photoshop!

Today, I played around with some photographs taken over the past couple of months, and tried my hand at creating a photomontage/collage using Photoshop & Painter 7.

I tried several different techniques I had read about, and ended up merging them all together in this one image. Some of the techniques worked and some didn’t, but I sure had fun!

Photoshop and I have an uneasy relationship, and one of these days I am going to take a class. I know it would make my life so much easier!

thought for the day;

“Another word for creativity is courage.” – George Prince

“Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun.” – Mary Lou Cook