Sacred Moments

Finding meaningful moments as we hurry along in life, distracted and focused on a hundred different things is difficult.

It is when we stop to notice the love and beauty all around us, that our perceptions shift and change. Only then, do we become fully present in the moment, alive, and aware of the sacred in our lives.

Today I grabbed my camera and decided to take some photos. I played around with some of my favorite gemstones, crystals, journal, and some fabric.

In the process of arranging these objects, I felt a sense of peace and stillness wrap itself around me. This is the shot I ended up with.

Everyday is full of sacred moments waiting to be experienced.

Everyday Sacred

Sacred Moments (C) 2008
“The secret of happiness lies in taking a genuine interest in all the details of daily life, and in elevating them to art”. -John Ruskin

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