Ode To January

This is the time of year, when I go through all of my supplies and get rid of stuff I no longer need or want. I found dried up tubes of acrylic paint, empty ink bottles, and a couple of very sad looking brushes. Afterwards, when I had finished, I treated myself to a nice cup of hot tea.

I find winter is a good time to contemplate, reflect and observe the busy world slow down a bit. It’s also a time when I bring a little bit of nature into our home, flowers, potted plants, and my favorite seed catalog, daydreaming of the first signs of spring. It won’t be too much longer now…

“There are two seasonal diversions that can ease the bite of any winter. One is the January thaw. The other is the seed catalogues.”
– Hal Borland

I took some photographs in the afternoon, and discovered this beautiful tree near our home. A perfect ode to January.

Ode to January

Ode to January (C) 2008