Rice Paper & Leaves

Here is a fabulous collage idea using thin rice paper and leaves. Wow!

I have to try this sometime.

thought for the day;

“If you create from the heart, nearly everything works;  if from the head, almost nothing.” – Marc Chagall


To make a long story short . . .  I’ve been out sick for the past week with a rather nasty upper respiratory infection.

I’m beginning to feel much better and am looking forward to getting back to work in the studio.

Here is an amazing animation by a young animator, Carmen Bromfield Mason.


Over the weekend I discovered  some Yupo Paper hidden away on one of my shelves, and  I was hoping to play around with it today, but I came down with a nasty flu yesterday.

So here I lie in bed surrounded by Kleenex, a big pot of hot tea and various medications which are suppose to help me get through the worst of it. C’est la vie!

thought for the day:

“Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.”
– Joshua J. Marine


Here is a video demonstration of contemplative sketch booking with Sumi ink, watercolor and collage.

A very creative and interesting video. Beautiful!

The Art of Appreciation


“Creativity can be described as letting go of certainties.” – Gail Sheehy

Mixed Media Collage Assemblage

What a great Collage Assemblage Video! This could be one way of recycling old paintings & sketches, and a creative way to use all those old frames stored in the garage. I love it!

thought for the day: “Creating a collage from parts of paintings is like keeping a diary of certain incidences of your vision.” – Louise Cadillac

Happy Earth Day

Here’s wishing everyone a wonderful Earth Day!

“Climb the mountains and get their good tidings.  Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees.  The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.”  – John Muir


Here is a wonderful video featuring Maggie Ayres thoughts and techniques behind her beautiful cocoon creations. Amazing!

To find out more about Maggie Ayres and her artwork go here.

“To think creatively, we must be able to look afresh at what we normally take for granted.” – George Kneller


Wow! These Ukrainian Easter eggs are beautiful and would make wonderful gifts for friends & family.

Eve’s Eggs – Artist Profile

Eve’s Eggs – Absolutely Gorgeous – To learn more about Eve’s beautiful work go here. Be sure to check out the history of Pysanky on her web site.