Happy New Year

1st January. Early in the morning, the sky is gloomy and gray with rain. As  I drink my tea, I find myself trying to ignore the chaos of boxes stacked behind my chair as I write this post.

Over the holidays, I finally unpacked most of my art supplies. I’m still in the process of organizing everything and trying to figure out where some of my brushes disappeared to? … lol

Our new place is smaller so I carved out a little niche  for myself  in our bedroom for my art table & supplies. It’s nice and cozy!

I’m sketching and painting for the first time in ages, and feeling better for getting back into the swing of things.

kwan Yin lamp sketch #1

Sketch of Kuan Yin Lamp – Tombow Mono 100 # 2B & #3B

warmup #2

Morning Warm Up – Digital using Painter 7