New Beginnings

During this time of the year, the focus is on new beginnings, new projects, manifesting dreams, and I was thinking about what the future holds for us and future generations.

Well, after reading the news this morning I decided it was time to stop and smell the roses so I turned off the computer and headed out to the studio.

I pulled out a sheet of watercolor paper and began to sketch a portrait of my sister which then morphed into something completely different. I began to hear my muse whispering in my ear of ancient forests, beautiful winged beings, swirling colors of blues, russet and subtle shades of green sprinkled with lavender.

What’s a woman to do? Go with the flow, of course!

Below is a photo of the painting in it’s first stages.

New Beginnings

Tree Guardian Acrylic/Watercolor Mixed Medium – 16 x 20 inches on watercolor paper

Merlyn in Calydon

“If you sit still long enough on the forest floor, the universe will approach you like a shy animal.

Breathe softly and don’t move:  If encouraged it will nuzzle your open hand.

Open more! Open your heart … your head … your soul … all doors … all bars

that catch and trap and bind the wild and dreaming beast that sleeps in you.”  – Mara Freeman