Beautiful Weekend

We had a beautiful weekend, the sun was shining, and we hit the mid-80’s. Saturday, when we got back home from running errands, we were able to take our dog out for awhile so he could run, play, and snooze in the grass. He is such a sweetheart!

On Sunday, I went to the Gem Faire and had a great time looking for beads and such. I was completely worn out and tired by the time I got home. lol

Since I didn’t have any time to paint over the weekend, I began working on “The Awakening” early this morning. I still have a long way to go but at least I made some progress today.

The Awakening – Combined Media on Canvas- 11 X 14 inches

From a Sketch to a Painting

Today I’m turning the previous post of a sketch into a painting. I began by blocking out the whole painting into tonal groups. I also added a crystal ball and started working on the head and body.

When working in Painter IX, I am able to add layers to the original under painting and work on these individually until I like what I see. Afterwards, I merge the layers with the original canvas and my painting is finished.

Tomorrow I plan on working on the background, hair, and clothing. My paintings can take a few weeks to several months to complete, depending on how large or complex they are.

The Awakening – Combined Media on Canvas – 11 X 14 inches

Happy Accidents

The other day I was going through some old watercolor paintings, which had been torn up to use for collage. They were spread out allover my table, and I accidentally placed my clear rose quartz heart, which I had in my jacket pocket on top of these random images.

When I came back from lunch to resume my project, I noticed how the crystal heart distorted the images underneath, so I quickly grabbed my camera and began to play and create different images with the crystal heart. Later I downloaded the reference photos, and here is the first image I painted from this happy little accident.

Heart Dance – Combined Media – 7 X 8 inches

Work In Progress

Here’s a new work-in-progress titled “Vivian, Lady of the Lake.” I chose to paint the figure first and then began developing the background from my reference sketches, and now it is taking on a life of its own.

It’s a gorgeous day and I plan on taking a little walk to stretch my legs, we are suppose to reach the mid-70s today.

Vivian, Lady Of The Lake – Combined Medium – 11 X 14 inches

Busy Day

I’ve been busy working on my new gallery, moving images from my old site to the new one. I ran into a few glitches, but I’m finally getting the hang of it. I still have a long way to go!

The flowers below are so magical, I took several photos to use as reference material for a new painting.


Moon Child

I was feeling a little under the weather today, so I didn’t get much done in the studio. I’m sure tomorrow will be a much better day.

Moon Child – 9 X 10 – Combined Mixed Media

“There are nights when the wolves are silent and only the moon howls.” – George Carlin

“The moon, like a flower in heaven’s bower, with silent delight sits and smiles on the night.” – William Blake

Work In Progress

I spent this morning working on this painting and had to stop because my allergies were making my eyes water. This time of the year always finds me suffering from seasonal allergies. “C’est la vie!

Yesterday was very stressful because we had a family member go back into the hospital because of complications from a surgery performed last week. I am happy to report he is doing well and will be going home tomorrow. We are all breathing a big sigh of relief, this was a very rough two days!


Playing With Fire -Combined Mixed Media

Spring Equinox


The Spring Equinox! A time when the light and dark are in perfect balance.

As I look outside my window the sun is shining, the sycamore trees are beginning to leaf out, and this for me is the time of the year that always stirs up feelings of hope, expectation, joy, and wander lust.

I ask myself what will I change, create, and give birth to during this season. I can foresee endless possibilities to explore, yet each one requires change and we know change can sometimes be difficult yet without change we become stagnant, resigned, and settled.

So I choose to open myself to growth, new insights, new adventures, yet also let intuition and common sense guide me through these feelings of restlessness, excitement and laziness which we call Spring Fever.


The Visitation
Combined Media on Canvas (9 x 7 inches)

“If one looks closely enough, one can see angels in every piece of art.” ~Adeline Cullen Ray

Kuan Yin & Golden Fluid Acrylics

I spent most of the day working on my painting of Kuan Yin , layering in watercolor, golden fluid acrylics, acrylic inks, and also used Golden’s Iridescent Bright Gold (fine) on the bamboo leaves.

The picture below is a closeup of Kuan Yin’s face so you can see how tissue and rice paper have added texture to the canvas.


Kuan Yin

“Hope is the dream of a soul awake”.
-French Proverb

A Day In The Garden

I spent the day in the garden raking, clipping back the hedges, and clearing out more tree limbs. Whew! What a job that turned out to be!

All I want to do right now is take a shower, fall into bed and sleep. I had planned on catching up on some reading, but its nighty- nite for me.

In The Garden

In The Garden

“In my garden there is a large place for sentiment. My garden of flowers is also my garden of thoughts and dreams. The thoughts grow as freely as the flowers, and the dreams are as beautiful”. ~Abram L. Urban