Herbs & Plants

Yesterday, we made a trip over to The Luther Burbank Gardens to purchase a couple of plants. I found Pink Texas skullcap, and a couple of other treasures to plant in our little herb/flower garden.

Texas skullcap is not considered a medicinal herb, yet I love its delicate pink flowers which are reminiscent of tiny snapdragon flowers. I planned on planting them early this morning, but never got around to it.

Instead, I ended up cutting some lemon balm to dry, and puttering around in the garden.

Lemon Balm

Lamb’s Ears

“Ale with herbs, a dish of strawberries of good taste and color, haws, berries of the juniper, sloes, nuts. -Irish Poem

“When brilliant summer-time spreads its colored mantle, Sweet tasting fragrance! Pignuts, wild marjoram, green leeks, verdant pureness. – Irish Poem

The Dog Days Of Summer

We’ve had some really hot weather so I’ve been staying indoors trying to keep cool. Working steadily on some sketches and ideas for new projects.

The other night I dreamed of a beautiful blue butterfly which flew over my head and landed on my outstretched hand. So beautiful! I’ve done a few butterfly sketches but nothing that really captures the essence of the dream.

Sunflower #2

Busy Day

Today we went to Sebastopol to walk around and visit The Sebastopol Gallery which features fine arts and crafts by local artists. Be sure to check it out, if your in the area!

Later in the afternoon we went to the Santa Rosa Downtown Market to purchase some fresh produce. We had a great time sampling some fabulous white peaches and nectarines. Yum!

Main Street

Yummy Bread

Out & About

My husband and I are taking some much needed vacation time this week. We plan on taking lots of photos and visiting some of our favorite spots, so our sketch bags are packed and ready to go. I will post pictures as we go along.

Blue Flowers – Photograph – 2008

Threw my Back Out

Last week, I was working in the garden and somehow threw my back out. It started with a backache, and ended up with me sitting in the emergency room on Saturday. After being examined and prescribed pain pills and a muscle relaxant, I came home and went to bed.

So here I sit on my chair in front of my computer with a heat pad on my back and waiting for the meds to kick in while I write this post.

Needless to say I haven’t been at my easel for several days. Hopefully tomorrow I will be able to do some painting using Painter IX and my wacom tablet.

The tablet is a little too large and heavy for me to put on my lap, so I will have to figure something out. I believe I have a smaller one packed away somewhere, but I’m in no condition to look for it.

It’s funny how we seem to never be prepared for these little mishaps in life.

“What a man needs in gardening is a cast iron back, with a hinge in it.”
– Charles Dudley Warner

Stone Pathway ( Luther Burbank Gardens) – Photography

“Do not follow where the path may lead. Go, instead, where there is no path and leave a trail.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Having Fun

It was another busy day working in the studio. I don’t know where the day went, but I got a lot accomplished. They say time flies when your having fun, and I sure had fun getting carried away with my new painting. I will post a picture later on.

Sundial – Photography

“Time is but the stream I go a-fishing in.” – Henry David Thoreau

“Hide not your talents. They for use were made. What’s a sundial in the shade.” – Benjamin Franklin

“Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you.” – Carl Sandberg

Old Friends

My paint brushes are like old friends, and I hardly ever retire them. After each painting session I clean them thoroughly, gently shape the hairs back into place, and set them out to dry.

There are some which have lost their elasticity and frayed out from their metal ferrule. These are ideal for dry brush work.

Yesterday our favorite art store had a two-for-one sale on brushes and I replaced a couple of my older brushes with new ones. The brushes I replaced were over 25 years old. They are oldies but goldies, and they still have some life left in them before I move them into the dry brush bucket.

I just love these old brushes!

My Old Friends

We’re Having a Heat Wave!

Can you believe it’s 7 am in the morning and it’s already 84 degrees outside. The weatherman says we can expect triple-digit temperatures today. Our average temperature for this time of the year is 74 degrees.

This morning as I was watering the garden, Mr. Merlin (scrub jay) showed up for breakfast. He is such a character, he actually taps on our kitchen window with his beak when he wants to be fed. As I was finishing up, I saw him frolicking in our water fountain. At least he has found a way to keep cool!

Mr. Merlin in the Garden

Emerging Artists Show

Saturday we went to The Emerging Artist Show in Sonoma County, and we had a great time! Santa Rosa showcased the event at the Courthouse square, and provided live entertainment throughout the day.

Afterwards we had a nice leisurely lunch and then visited a couple of bookstores.

I would like to say Happy Mother’s day to all you moms out there! I hope you had a great weekend!

“To the world you might just be one person,
but to one person you might just be the world.”
~Author Unknown~

“We only have One Mom, One Mommy,
One Mother in this World, One life.
Don’t wait for the Tomorrow’s
to tell Mom, you love her”
~Author Unknown~

Thoughts For The Day

“If modern man would use it, he could find old wisdom in his heart and clear his vision enough to see from start to finish and finish to start, the circle rounding perfectly.” – Tao-te Ching

Garden Roses – Photograph – 8 X 10 inches


Explore. – Unknown